Posts in Alamo Weird Wednesday
Weird Wednesdays: The Prescience of The Running Man and its Timely Return

Paul Michael Glaser’s The Running Man bottles up all the absurdity lovingly found in any great ‘80s action flick, but uncorking it almost 40 years later proves that some of the absurdity has matured into a shockingly accurate dystopian satire.

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Hard Women: A Hard Movie to Categorize

Films about transness and particularly trans women have been around, oh, since the invention of film, but films with trans actors are rarer. Hard Women doesn’t provide a clear history of transness in Germany. It doesn’t give us easy answers, or “representation.” Instead, what Hard Women does is offer a layered reflection of transploitation and trans performance in 1970s Germany.

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AGFAugust: Magic BMX

A truly once in a lifetime opportunity to see a film straight from Quentin Tarantino’s personal archive. The only E.T. ripoff to spend more time building up to a BMX race than focus on the alien. A frankly painful amount of shots of children absolutely beefing it on their bikes. This is Magic BMX.

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