This Week in Screenings 3/21-3/27

Friday 3/21


Love those Muppets. 

The Boy and the Heron | Flix Brewhouse

I like the dub. 

Seven | We Luv Video 

The conclusion of the Seven Deadly Scenes series. 

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | Bullock IMAX

They are doing the whole series at the IMAX. 

FANTASTIC PLANET | Austin Film Society

One time I watched this muted with Kate Bush’s Hounds of Love album and it totally synched up. 

Marie Antoinette | Alamo Drafthouse 

Marie seemed cool. Sorry she got caught up on the wrong side of the revolution. 

Interstellar | FlixBrewhouse 

McConaghey in space.

ELECTRIC DREAMS | Hyperreal Film Club

Old computer moves are always fun. 

WHO KILLED TEDDY BEAR? | Austin Film Society

This is a great movie if you like psychosexual movies or Sal Mineo in underwear. 

Saturday 3/22

Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia!

Mamma Mia! (2008) | Cinépolis 

I wish they would remake this but about an Italian family. 

BANFF Mountain Film Festival | Paramount Theatre 

For fans of Canadian mountains there’s a 2pm and 7pm show. 

Lost Highway | Alamo Drafthouse 

First time I saw this I didn’t like it.

Second time I loved it. 

RAISING ARIZONA | Austin Film Society

Is this the hottest Nic Cage? 

Jungle Heat (1983) | We Luv Video

Aka Dance of the Dwarfs. 

Nice deep cut. 

THE DIABOLICAL DR. Z | Austin Film Society

Part of Francomania at AFS. 

Movies by Jess Franco. 

SEX IS CRAZY | Austin Film Society

Cool day because you can watch 60’s and 80’s Jess Franco movies. 

Sunday 3/23

Donnie Darko | Galaxy Theaters | Violet Crown 

Last time I watched this was at Violet Crown. 

Monday 3/24

TROLLS WORLD TOUR | Hyperreal Film Club

I’ve heard this is good, actually. 

Angels With Dirty Faces | Alamo Drafthouse 

I imagine Kevin in Home Alone is watching a knock off of this movie. 

Tuesday 3/25

Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi) | Flix Brewhouse

Good food movie. 


It’s a secret. 

Aatma | Alamo Drafthouse 

Part of the Terror Tuesday series. 

Bollywood Horror movie. 

Wednesday 3/26

Princess Mononoke 4K IMAX AMC 

Cool way to watch this. 

TO KILL A TIGER | Hyperreal Film Club

Documentary presented by Asian Family Support Services of Austin. 

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial | Cinépolis 

What a creepy little guy. 

Conquest | Alamo Drafthouse 

Part of the Weird Wednesday series.

It’s Lucio Fulci but doing a Fantasy movie. 

Thursday 3/27 

NOW AND THEN | Hyperreal Film Club

I watched this a lot back in the day. 

Check out that cast, it’s insane. 

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