IS IT FALL YET?: The Insightful Themes of DARIA

Rating: 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕


As someone who was over high school before she even started, it’s an absolute travesty that Daria didn’t fully make its way to me before college. Sure, I’d caught some bits and pieces here and there during some late night channel surfing (more specifically, during the commercial breaks of late night reruns of Degrassi: The Next Generation on The N), but I didn’t fully immerse myself in the world of Lawndale until my junior year of college. Naturally, I marathoned the entire series, including both movies, in a matter of days.  This is my attempt to convince all of you to be dyed in the wool of Daria like myself, but unlike me, you don’t even have to get the Jane Lane tattoo to prove it. That’s why we’re starting small with the first movie, Is It Fall Yet? 


You don’t really need a lot of context for the movie, but I’ll jump at any opportunity to preach the gospel of Daria I can, so here goes. Daria follows our favorite disillusioned teen, Daria Morgendorffer, as she tries to navigate the world with her clueless father Jake, lawyer lioness mother Helen, popularity possessed younger sister Quinn, and best friend/absolute queen Jane. Between her mostly vapid peers (with the exception of Jodie, who is an absolute goddess and provides direct commentary on the lack of diversity in both the show and reality) and often self-absorbed adults, it’s easy to not only understand but support Daria’s sarcastic approach to her surroundings. However, Daria’s character development takes a turn in the fourth season, when she realizes she has feelings for Jane’s boyfriend Tom...and it turns out the feelings are mutual. Cue Is It Fall Yet? 


Is It Fall Yet? was made to bridge the gap between seasons four and five, which left Jane and Daria’s relationship on rocky terms. We find our characters as Tom and Daria have made their relationship official, and Jane might not be as okay with things as she initially seemed. As much as a I love my girl Daria, I’ve always related to Jane more, and Is It Fall Yet? is no exception. In an attempt to regain her footing, Jane chooses to spend the summer at her mother’s friend’s artist retreat, where she meets and befriends Alison (who I just found out was voiced by Bif Naked!!!!), a cool college-aged artist, with the choker and tattoos to prove it (honestly same). After a night of wine and talking, Alison winds up making a move, and Jane states she only likes men. Instead of apologizing for making assumptions, Alison gets angry with Jane and tries to prematurely out Jane as bisexual, claiming she would “never hit on a straight chick,” leaving a poor, confused Jane alone to try to sort through her feelings. Later on, Jane asks Alison if she ever makes mistakes, and Alison says she’s never been wrong before. 


Now, as someone who had a Megan Fox poster on her closet door as a “joke” (it was her Rolling Stone cover, which was no joke, amirite?), Alison is so far in the wrong here, I don’t know where to begin. As a high school teenager, I got confused trying to figure out which pair of shoelaces looked best in my Chucks, let alone my own sexual orientation. Being older, Alison should have NEVER made any assumptions, and being bisexual, she should know to never prematurely out someone. As a bisexual woman, especially a bisexual woman who wasn’t out yet when I watched this movie, I was HORRIFIED. I can’t imagine having someone confuse me like that as a junior in high school, especially someone I trusted, but I think that’s the entire point. 


Daria has always been wise beyond its (and her) years. For this having come out 20 years ago (YIKES), it’s pretty damn on the nose. It’s never strayed away from the topics of mental illness or classism or lack of representation (again, Jodie, my queen), and both movies are no different. As someone who has been through a similar time of confusion, I think Is It Fall Yet? does an amazing job of showing the dangerous side of outing someone as well as confusing someone at an age where everything is already so incredibly hard to decipher. Jane might not even be bisexual; she may have just found a friendship in someone she related to, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Jane may also be part of the LGBTQIA+ community, but that’s her journey, not Alison’s.  


For me, Is It Fall Yet? really hits on an entirely different level. I’m a diehard Daria fan, but honestly, this takes me to an entirely different level. Outside of Jane’s arc, you have a whole lot of girl power. Quinn realizes her own identity and intelligence outside of The Fashion Club, and Daria realizes she’s allowed to have emotions along with her cynicism. The entire movie deals with real problems but in a relatable way and on a relatable platform that can be accessed by both teens and adults. As a 27-year-old, I still relate to most of the themes. The humor and wit are still razor sharp. We may be living in a Sick, Sad World, but Daria and Jane will always be there to share a slice of pizza and life for us whenever we need it. 

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