Film Fest Correspondent
Become a fest person! Through Hyperreal Film Club’s reviews site, get access to smaller (for now) local film festivals and provide in-depth coverage on the films, parties, panels, and more.
Indie Film Liaison
Curious about the current film landscape beyond what’s selected by the big distributors? This writer will field indie submissions to HFC and proactively track down independent films from around the world to shine a torch beyond the castle walls of distribution deals.
Community Screenings Editor
Austin is full of wild, eccentric, one-off, episodic, DIY, deep cut, and ________ screenings and film events… and we want to let the people know! This writer will field event submissions and track down these events to help build a bi-weekly or monthly column detailing upcoming and past unique screenings and film events in Austin.
Are you a Letterboxd super user? Help us think through and carry out the best things to amp up our Letterboxd HQ account!
Letterboxd Support
At each screening HFC will showcase work from a local filmmaker; we thought it would be rad to interview these folks as well! This writer will help columnist Justin Norris with our “Getting Hyperreal with ____” column, providing interviews with and stories about the local filmmakers showcased at HFC events.
“getting hyperreal with…” assistant columnist
See something you wanna dig into? Drop us a line at hyperrealfilmclub @ gmail and we’ll start a conversation!